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Promoting Learning
If you are interested in issues surrounding the promotion of learning, you should find the
following pages of interest.
Sign Up Now is a national campaign to support the drive for enrolments in September. Of
the thousands of adults who take part in learning every year, some come
simply for personal interest, while others wish to gain a qualification or
acquire a new skill that may enhance their employment interests or boost
their confidence.
The Campaign for Learning is an independent national charity, which seeks to promote lifelong learning.
Its campaigns include Family Learning Weekend,
Learning at Work Day and New Year Learning Resolutions.
clmg seeks to promote the unique quality and
experience of museum and gallery learning. It can offer practical advice
to both learners and project teams on what will work, what won’t and
(most importantly) why.
NIACE is the leading non-governmental organisation for adult learning in England and Wales.
Its key campaigns are Adult Learners' Week (15-21 May 2004) and Sign Up Now, which both
celebrate and encourage involvement in adult learning.
UK SKILLS is an independent charitable organisation whose everyday job
is to promote occupational skills at all levels, through local, regional,
national and international competitions.
Current national skills competitions cover a wide range of occupations,
including building and construction, consumer services, electrical and
electronics, various commercial services, industrial engineering and
information technology. |
The BBC Learning Zone transmits overnight on BBC TWO and
brings you the best educational programmes. Ranging from primary school to
degree level subjects, you can learn at your leisure with our unique
overnight record-and-play service.
This Guide examines how broadcasters have been working with DfES to explore
ways in which the challenge of helping individuals back into learning, through
broadcasting, is currently being met.
Other Sites of Interest
DCMS has policy
responsibility for museums, galleries and libraries,
historic buildings, the arts, sport, education, broadcasting and
the media and tourism, as well as the creative industries,
the Millennium and the National Lottery.
The National Training Awards are an accolade for
organisations and individuals who have achieved lasting excellence and
success through training.